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jennifer r

I am having that problem with the wind too! I think it's worse up here - fewer trees to slow it down! I do love that print. The newsprint-prints are just the best!

Oh! My mom (er...Santa) used to give us each a "Book of Lifesavers" every Christmas. I got so tired of lifesavers. That's eight packs! Butterscotch is yummy though! Just not cherry. Or rainbow.


You can keep all those lifesavers. I just want the fabric. I heart the old kitchey stuff especially when it looks authentic - at first I thought you had old newsprint under your stuff. Where does one get that print?


I see that a toothbrush is in the important drawer but it is still in its package... And of course yarn is very important in your work place. Mine is almost always on my desk. Okay, it is always on my desk.

But I want the fabric! I will trade you Life Savers for the fabric.... wanna trade?


nifty fabric! I'll take the fuzzy life-saver!!!


digging the fabric. what yarn is that fetching in? i love the color. so perfectly green.


I love that fabric! Any super cool plans for it?


That fabric is super neat.
And I'm proud of you for having a toothbrush in your desk drawer ;-)

Melissa R. Garrett

Yes, it's so very nice indeed when lovely things show up in the mail!

I had to laugh at one of the previous comments - she's sick of lifesavers because she always received a book of them for Christmas - me too! Although, I could never get sick of lifesavers.

Please, oh please, post pictures of the chicken. And keep us posted about what happens with the fabric.

PS - I've been reading your blog for awhile now and even though I can't knit to save my life, you inspire me to give it one more go!


Yeah - that wind was fierce, wasn't it?

Love the story about the butter rum lifesavers. They played a significant roll in my past as well.


I have that fabric! Or something very very similar...I plucked it out of the remnant bin at the Hobby Lobby a while ago. I love it, but am quite at a loss as to what to make. Let me know if you have any inspiration!

miss ewe

That fabric is awesome! So is the sock-on-the-go!!! What pattern/yarn is that?


care to share what all is in that drawer??? What sock is that? My grandmother use to have an apron out of fabric just like that. Just seeing it again brings back lots of memories of cooking in the kitchen with her.

Jennifer LaSuprema

Those are the only good Lifesavers. And by good, I mean deeee-licious!


Great package. And I don't want any of your stinkin' Lifesavers! ;) Enjoy!


awesome! that fabric print is gorgeous - envy you for that one!


Are your lifesavers all warm and soft from being in your pocket? Sorry...Bueller moment there. If anyone tries to siddle up to you and mooch a lifesaver, feel free to probe them with one of them needles.

Nice sock fancy lady.


Butter Rum lifesavers means Grandpa to me. Thanks for the reminder!

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