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Elizabeth K

Have you seen the chippie's blog? She's also here in Austin and loves chips. (http://www.thechippie.com/)

I love the New York Cheddar & Herbs that Kettle has. A case of those would not last long in my house. Now I must seek out the Spicy Thai and give those a try.


Ooh, there is not much better than getting your favorite snack food delivered in mass quantities.


Well, that's efficiency for you! Next time he forgets to put the toliet seat down, remind him what he's capable of when he really wants something.


That is hysterical- I love that you guys tracked that down- now I am off to my local world market.


Yes, I agree with this method 100%. We did it with the Double Bergamot Earl Grey tea made by Stash that NO ONE carries and have two tons of it to drink. Loving every sip of course.

Good luck with your chips -- perhaps a nice cup of tea to wash it all down?

Erika Buentello

OMG! I just had those chips this weekend! I found them at the HEB on Braker and 183 and they were $1.75! Really cheap compared to their usual price. They were soooo good! I'd never seen them before and I'm pretty sure I won't find them again.

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