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Very nice. I love the colors!

just call me jeff

Having seen the room in person, I can attest to the fact that it's a very subtle orange. Not too overwhelming, not too mousy. But the piece de resistance chez toi is the array of stunning red cabinets in the kitchen (that I'm planning on kidnapping for my Tapis Rouge lounge, by the way).

Loved the house, loved the hospitality, loved the margs, loved the mimosas! Great to see ya and finally meet The Husband!


I love the walls and the picture - so fresh! So did you like Denyse Schmidt's Quilt-It? I've looked at it online, but have never seen it in person.


It reminds me of my mother's Class of '72 pink and orange and yellow and purple prom gown.


My kiddo has a pink room that glows like that - almost three years after we painted it I still try to turn off the lights! Your room looks great!


i painted a powder room in shades of apricot and pink and it glowed out from underneath the door when it was closed!

the picture -- i LOVE it. it's perfect against those walls.


de-lurking to say -- I love the picture, and it looks fantastic with the wall color. I'm currently very fond of the pink/orange/yellow combination, but I don't know if it will last. I've always liked pink, but until recently I hated orange, despite having gone to 3 schools that had orange as a color. I'm not sure what's happened....


Oh I fell in love with the pink orange combo after making a purse out of some Amy Butler fabric that had those two colors. Very fun, very happy!


Love the orange and pink. Just perfect for each other. What a great, cheery, inspiring room it must be.


I love your room and am sad that you beat me to that painting. I painted a room with Behr "Wild Japonica" once and it glowed as well. I loved it.


I agree, it's perfect. I love orange and pink together. What a pretty, cheery room color.


Gorgeous. You'll have a good mood in that room. What do husbands know, anyway? :)


Hey Caro! Glad to see you picked up the paint for Project Spectrum too! :) We painted our bathroom orange earlier this month, and I think I fall more in love with it every time I see it! Yours looks great!!


Caro, we ARE kindred spirits -- orange is my fave and I love finding out that I'm not the insane color freak that I'm so often accused of being. Of course, the walls look lovely and I do like your artwork choice. Oh how the word, "Mine" takes on greater importance, eh? Congrats.


Behr: Apricot Light. I must remember that for my bedroom. It looks perfect, to me. The morning sunlight would hit it just right I think! All I need is a complementary green(lime?) for the living room and kitchen! :D WEEEEE thangQ for the ideas!


Totally fab, I love the artwork (and no, I didn't see this one before we met up).


That painting is glorious. What a great find! :)

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