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Good for you! I haven't been working for the past week and it's amazing how easy it is to get distracted by this and that around the house.

I ordered the Modern Quilt book from Amazon a few days ago and can't wait to check it out. But maybe I should get around to finishing the quilt I started this winter (my first) first!


Oooh, what a great Big Idea. The thought of big painted lines at elementary school got me all nostalgic.

Are you as scared as I am about quilting a queen-sized quilt?


Good for you, planning to devote time to your quilting. I succumb to the lure of the dirty tub all the time, and never seem to make progress on my projects... Why do we put off what matters most?

I think your stippling looks great... have yet to try the new feet I ordered for my machine. Hmmm, maybe my fear of starting a machine-made quilt is what is making me do so much housework... ;)


Found you via flickr, added you as a friend today. I am also doing the modern quilt a long! :)

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