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It took me a second to see the cat napping on the quilt while it was still under the needle! Too cute!!! Doesn't it feel good to finish projects that have been hanging around for a long time, oh yeah.


Looks wonderful, Caro! My cat always does stuff like that too :)


Oh, I love the pics of Indy napping, especially the one "as seen through the sewing machine" which is hysterically funny!!!

General Ginger

Looks like you had a friend helping you with the quilting. It turned out beautifully.


ooh...I love little sneaks. It shows how much they want to be with you! If only my cat does that, but so far she's only poked her head around the corner of The Forbidden Room AKA the bedroom and backs out quickly whenever I glance in her direction.


thanks for your comment! looks like you have an adorable orange kitty too. i like that pink and black quilt too!

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